Donald Samull Polish Folk Dance Grant

The Friends of Polish Art was honored to receive a bequest from the Donald Francis Samull estate.

To honor Donald Samull and his contributions to the Polish American community, FPA has created a grant program in his name. Up to four grants in amounts up to $2,500 each will be awarded to Michigan-based Polish folk-dance groups on an annual basis. The purpose of the grant program is to support local Polish dance groups with their regular activities; however, special consideration will be given to groups traveling to Poland to such festivals like the Rzeszów International Folk Dance Festival, International Festival of Children’s Folk Ensembles in Iwonicz Zdrój, Father’s Village World Folklore Fest, or participating in other comparable events.


  1. Only Polish folk-dance groups, not individuals, are eligible.
  2. Dance group must be located in the State of Michigan.
  3. Dance group must focus on traditional Polish folk dancing.
  4. Dance group must present financial statements listed in the application form.
  5. Recipients of the grant cannot apply in consecutive years. (Example: if a group wins a grant in 2023, they are not eligible to reapply in 2024; they are eligible again in 2025)
  6. Recipients will be expected to give a dance performance gratis at an FPA event or at one approved by FPA.

After completing the application, mail it with all supporting documentation to the following address:

FPA Donald Samull Polish Folk Dance Grant:
c/o Friends of Polish Art
2615 W. 12 Mile Road, Suite 118
Berkley, MI 48072-1627

NOTE: To be eligible for a grant, the applications with all supporting documentation must be postmarked by April 8, 2025 (extended one week). The winners will be notified by April 25, 2025 (faxes not accepted).

With questions about this grant, please email Ms. Stella Szczesny at: